A church choir's goal is to create an atmosphere of reverence and awe, drawing the hearts and minds of those in attendance closer to God. Our focus is worshiping and praising the Lord through song, rather than entertaining or impressing the congregation. Our Praise team has a heart for worship, a deep sense of devotion to God, and a commitment to using their voices and musical talents to honor and exalt God.

Our church is truly blessed to have these unique indididuals in our Praise team choir.
From left to right first row:
Lesia Ramey (keyboard), Amber Banks, Amanda Banks, April Faxon, and Brandy Puckett.
From left to right second row:
Carrie Ryan, Melissa Greear, Joshua Banks (strings), and Shawn Faxon (strings)
Back row left to right:
Richard Colberg, and Todd Hensley
Not shown:
Isaiah Faxon (strings)